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Smart Cities and Post-COVID Life

“This virus may become just another endemic virus in our communities and this virus may never go away.” – WHO executive director Mike Ryan, May 13. Vaccine or not, we have to come to terms with the reality that COVID-19 requires us to rethink how we live. And that...

Cities Best-positioned for Pandemic Recovery

A recent report from Moody’s Analytics highlighted the cities that are in the best and worst positions to recover from the coronavirus pandemic. Adam Kamins, a senior regional economist at Moody’s Analytics, found the “most dynamic recoveries”...

Future of Smart Cities; Death of Privacy

Imagine if the ground could know if you’re walking on it. Imagine if that patch of sidewalk could tell how much you weigh, how fast you’re going, and where you’re headed. Imagine that road could determine exactly how many people are walking or running or biking or...

Smart City Tech to Control COVID-19

South Korea and Singapore are taking a smart city approach to halting the spread of the coronavirus . Both countries have been using contact tracing to identify people who have been exposed to the virus as well as all the people who had interacted with an infected...