Jul 8, 2021 | Artificial Intelligence, Climate, Featured
Climate scientists at Agriculture Canada labs have been developing an artificial intelligence program over the past couple of years. They can now apply their AI program to real-world conditions as severe drought continues to plague parts of the Prairies and Great...
Jul 8, 2021 | Climate, Education
As higher education grapples with the effects of climate change, campus technologies present solutions, ambiguity and complexity — sometimes all at the same time. Technology can help reduce carbon emissions, but computing also requires energy, which adds to the carbon...
Jul 8, 2021 | Climate, Oceanography
The sound-emitting tags researchers affixed to the dorsal fins of the first two great white sharks ever tagged in Rhode Island waters will track them for at least 10 years, providing scientists with a rare look at their whereabouts during their wonder years. Fewer...
Jul 1, 2021 | Climate, Drones
In a grassy meadow outside Missoula, Montana, Jennifer Fowler eyes two drones high in the sky with weather instruments — part of a program to see how drones can help to fight and monitor wildfires. Missoula is a major center for wildfire research and the program...
Jul 1, 2021 | Climate, Electric Vehicles, Environment, Featured
The electric-car transition is here. Car maker after car maker is committing to selling electric vehicles. General Motors will go all-electric by 2035. Volkswagen has said it will increase its proportion of electric vehicles to 70% by 2030. Audi will stop designing...
May 27, 2021 | Climate, Oceanography, Robots
Microplastics—tiny pieces of plastic smaller than five millimeters across—are everywhere, from snow in the Arctic and rain in the Rocky Mountains to bottled water and beer. On the ocean floor, there may be nearly 16 million metric tons of it. In the top 200 meters of...
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