Oct 14, 2021 | Communications, Environment, Oceanography, Satellites, Solar
Animals have been tracked from air and space for decades, with ever-greater success as the number of satellites circling the planet multiplied. The cell towers that now cover the globe have added precision to measurements. At the same time, the actual tracking devices...
Oct 14, 2021 | 5G, Drones, Robots
Robot dogs, internet-controlled drones and a 5G upgrade are among technology being trialled to enhance the visitor experience at Sherwood Forest. Nottinghamshire County Council said the work would make it the world’s first 5G-connected forest. The authority...
Oct 14, 2021 | Africa, Climate, Food
Despite efforts made in agricultural research and extension in the past, food and nutrition security remains a major challenge in Africa. This is, among other things, due to inefficient implementation and exchange of technologies and knowledge to end users along with...
Oct 14, 2021 | Autonomous Vehicles, Climate, Electric Vehicles
The 21st century has no shortage of companies claiming “world’s first” status for their products. Few stand up to sustained scrutiny. So when Volvo today unveiled an autonomous vehicle produced using fossil-free steel, how big a deal was it? Short answer: pretty big....
Oct 14, 2021 | Autonomous Vehicles, Featured, Michigan, Safety
Autonomous vehicle development and road construction updates powered by artificial intelligence are at the top of the wish list for the Michigan Council on Future Mobility and Electrification. The council was established last year to put forth proposals on ways...
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