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Smart Cities Need a Human Touch

This is a tale of two cities — Toronto and Barcelona — that may hold important lessons for others around the world. Both have big ambitions to change the way they operate but reflect very different visions of how smart cities should be run. In Toronto, citizens have...

MIT Breaks New Ground in AI with Knitting

A hot trend in artificial intelligence in recent years has been the rise of impressive fakes — fake headshots, fake videos, fake text. Deep learning techniques, part of machine learning, have gotten better and better at taking real-world data and using it to...

If One Drone Isn’t Enough, Try a Drone Swarm

When Bill Herz wants to know how his crops are doing, he launches a drone. He has nearly a thousand acres of corn and soybeans in LaSalle, eastern Illinois. “My drone has saved me time and energy,” he says. “I don’t need to walk a whole field...