Jul 29, 2021 | Drones, Featured, Wind
Last summer, at a wind farm close to Washington state’s southern border, an autonomous drone levitated 80 meters to the top of a wind tower and maneuvered along one of its blades. There, just near the tip, it detected a small gash—too small for the naked eye. Had it...
Jul 8, 2021 | Climate, Oceanography, Solar, Wind
The most advanced autonomous buoy ever developed in the UK has been launched off the coast of Devon to monitor the health of our oceans. Plymouth Marine Laboratory has spent two years building the near nine-metre tall buoy, which is packed with sensors and...
Jan 2, 2020 | Robots & Drones, Solar, Wind
Researchers at Dublin City University (DCU) are participating in a first-of-its-kind European project to discover the possible benefits of using drones and robots for the maintenance of wind and solar farms. The Durable project is seeking to find out whether using...
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