Jun 11, 2020 | Featured, Robots & Drones, Work
The coronavirus pandemic has destroyed tens of millions of American jobs. How many of them will come back? That might be one of the most pressing questions of the Covid-19 recession. Arguably no other downturn has threatened to leave American life so...
Jun 11, 2020 | Robots & Drones
Social distancing can be particularly tough for elementary-age children; talking with friends on Zoom isn’t the same as playing hide-and-seek or just running around with their peers. A team of roboticists has come up with a way to fix that. Students in the labs of...
Jun 11, 2020 | Robots & Drones
Kobe, Japan, is turning to robots to help increase the city’s PCR testing capabilities for Covid-19. The initiative, set to go live in October 2020, is a collaboration between Kobe city and medical robot manufacturer Medicaroid. The idea is to reduce the risk of...
May 28, 2020 | Robots & Drones
As restrictions related to COVID-19 gradually ease, developers and service providers in the autonomous delivery space are scrambling to eat as much market share as possible in the still-limited locations where they’re authorized. But even robotic delivery, which...
May 28, 2020 | Law Enforcement, Robots & Drones
A new joint effort announced between Pennington County Search and Rescue, the Sheriff’s Office and the Rapid City police. One drone flier from each department will help in trying to locate missing people, as well as investigate fires and traffic accidents. Drones are...
May 28, 2020 | Featured, Healthcare, Robots & Drones
A medical-delivery firm has received special permission to fly its drones farther than previously allowed in the United States, a COVID-prompted decision that advances the nascent drone-delivery industry here. ZipLine, which says its drones have...
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