by dankeelan | Feb 2, 2023 | Energy, Environment
Almost everyone is aware of the many issues facing the planet and its population. There are three key issues that I like to call the 3Ps that stand out among others: pollution (particulate matters, Nox, SO2), planet (greenhouse gases, or GHG) and poverty (inflation...
by dankeelan | Jan 5, 2023 | Energy, Wind
Germany produced a record amount of electricity from wind on Wednesday, helping to reduce the need to burn fossil fuels as Europe battles an energy crisis. The nation’s wind farms generated 50,232 megawatts, according to data from the European Energy Exchange....
by dankeelan | Jan 5, 2023 | Energy, Hydrogen
About 100 miles from Niagara Falls, where Nikola Tesla’s hydroelectric power plant design—a landmark in renewable energy—was first implemented (way back in 1895), a hydrogen energy solutions provider called Plug Power is building out one of this century’s...
by dankeelan | Jan 5, 2023 | Energy, Fusion
The news of a successful fusion energy test at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California was met with both fascination and trepidation. All this talk of nuclear energy and “unleashing the energy of the sun” makes people...
by dankeelan | Dec 15, 2022 | Energy, Fusion, Space
The announcement this week of fusion ignition is a major scientific advancement, one that is decades in the making. More energy was produced than the laser energy used to spark the first controlled fusion triumph. The result: replicating the fusion that...
by dankeelan | Jun 30, 2022 | Energy, Featured, Internet of Things, Mobility
The introduction of advanced technologies like the 5G and IoT has leveraged the automotive industry with a lot of possibilities. The sector anticipates lucrative revenue potential from the connected and autonomous vehicles that are the future of the industry. ...
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