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Terahertz technology is paving the way for the 6G revolution, promising to transform the way we communicate. An international team of scientists has made a major breakthrough by developing a tiny silicon device that could double the capacity of wireless networks.

This innovation brings us closer to the futuristic world of 6G, where ultra-fast downloads and immersive virtual reality experiences become everyday realities.

Consider the possibility of downloading an entire season of your beloved series in mere seconds. Or a virtual reality experience so authentic it feels as real as your everyday interactions. These are the tantalizing prospects that terahertz technology promises to deliver.

“This innovation not only enhances the efficiency of terahertz communication systems but also paves the way for more robust and reliable high-speed wireless networks,” said Dr. Weijie Gao, a postdoctoral researcher at Osaka University and co-author of the study.

This diminutive wonder, a silicon chip that’s smaller than a grain of rice, operates in a part of the electromagnetic spectrum that’s mostly unexplored territory for many: the terahertz range.

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