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The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) has awarded the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) a $20 million grant to “connect the west” with vehicle-to-everything (V2X) technology.

This technology uses sensors and wireless connectivity so vehicles can connect to and communicate with drivers and their surroundings to enhance road safety, mobility, and efficiency.

“Utah is a leader in promoting and deploying V2X technologies to explore the potential to save lives on our nation’s highways,” said Federal Highway Administrator Shailen Bhatt in a press release announcing the grant. “The funding provided today will help accelerate the technology so that we can deploy it on a national scale and provide new tools to reduce fatalities on our nation’s highways.”

According to the press release from UDOT, connectivity across state lines will provide better information to drivers about sharp curves, adverse weather conditions, and road closures. It will help plow operators clear roads faster, identify the location of vulnerable road users so crashes can be prevented, and provide driver warnings about work zones and disabled vehicles.

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