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There is a new player in the autonomous urban mobility space. Today, Rimac Group CEO Mate Rimac revealed a new urban mobility service and vehicle at the new Rimac Campus near Zagreb, Croatia.

Verne, the new brand, is named after Journey to the Center of the EarthTwenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas and Around the World in Eighty Days author Jules Verne. “It was tricky to find the right name for our new endeavour that fits the vision. But once it clicked, it clicked, and it was easy to decide,” Adriano Mudri, Chief Design Officer at Verne said in a press release.

“We named ourselves after the Jules Verne, the famous author, who is said to be ‘the man who invented the future’. Just as he used the theme of travel as the driving force in his storytelling, we use it as our inspiration in shaping a future filled with imaginative innovation and tangible achievement. His faith in the future and his spirit sparked the curiosity in generations of scientists and explorers. Making things that sometimes seem impossible, possible,” he said.

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