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Two projects — one that maps the function of the brain’s neuronal network in unprecedented detail and another that combines robotics and light-based computer circuits to create safe self-driving vehicles — have been awarded funding through Princeton’s Eric and Wendy Schmidt Transformative Technology Fund.

The fund aims to spur forward momentum in science or engineering through the creation of entirely new technologies that can have a major positive impact on a field of research. The fund supports projects of such exploratory nature that they are often considered too risky to qualify for funding from conventional sources such as government grants. “Both of these projects brings together leading faculty across domains of expertise to collaborate on endeavors that, if successful, can dramatically advance what we know and what we can do,” said Princeton University Dean for Research Peter Schiffer, professor of physics. “The Schmidt Fund’s goal is truly embodied in these examples of how novel thinking and creative activity can aim toward transformational global impacts.”

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