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We all know AI can regularly beat humans at intellectual games like chess. But now, AI has proven itself in the physical realm. That annoyingly hard wooden Labyrinth game? AI can beat you at that, too.

According to The Next Web, researchers at ETH Zurich have created an AI robot that beat the Labyrinth world record held by Lars-Goran Danielsson. The Labyrinth-playing robot, called “CyberRunner,” safely maneuvered the marble to the opposite side of the board in 14.48 seconds compared to Danielsson’s 15.41 seconds.

CyberRunner accomplished this feat by mimicking the human learning process. It has motors, or “hands,” that operate two knobs controlling the slope of the board and a camera that acts as “eyes” to capture observations and learn from them. By playing the game, CyberRunner learns by “collected experience,” or as we humans call it, “practice.”

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