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The mysteries of the ocean abound. And now, a group of student researchers is trying out a new way to gain better and more accurate information – with a robot fish. 

The robot, named Belle, was created by students at the university ETH Zürich. They designed the fish so that it can swim underwater to film and collect samples without disturbing the natural environment. 

“The idea was that we want to capture the ecosystems the way they actually behave,” student researcher Leon Guggenheim told Reuters. “… That’s why we then developed the fish that behaves like a fish and is also accepted by other marine creatures as a fish.” 

That requires two things that the students say they accomplished: Making it move like a fish and being silent. 

“We want to really go in there and be as silent as a spy,” assistant professor of robotics Robert Katzschmann said, “and just literally coming in and being a spy on the marine life.”

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