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An electric-vehicle tax program is paused after it proved so popular that all funding earmarked for the plan has been disbursed.

Baby, we were born to run, but certain tramps like us won’t be getting any more electric vehicle tax credits — at least not for awhile.

New Jersey rock legend Bruce Springsteen sang about springing from cages on Highway 9 way back in 1975, after the Arab oil embargo sparked gasoline shortages and U.S. automakers were just starting to experiment with electric vehicles.

Things have changed quite a bit in the past 48 years, and while The Boss has yet to sing about steppin’ out over the line in an EV, many more people are driving them.

The Charge Up New Jersey program was set up to promote clean-vehicle adoption in the Garden State by offering up to $4,000 to state residents when they buy or lease new EVs.

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