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Feel like reading or watching a movie when you’re stuck in stop-and-go traffic? Thanks to advancing technology that’s now a possibility not only for a car’s passengers but also the driver.

For example, the current S-Class from Mercedes, which reaches Level 3 (or “highly automated”) self-driving according to the authoritative classification of the SAE International organisation.

Level 3 means that the driver can hand over the steering wheel and responsibility to an autonomous car, but must be able to take over driving again at short notice if requested to do so by the system.

BMW offers Level 2+ in the new 7 Series, which means that the car can drive independently, but the person behind the wheel remains responsible for monitoring the traffic situation.

As far as autonomous driving is concerned, such cars are technological beacons. But will we all soon be letting ourselves be driven around by our cars? And will it become a problem when more and more automated cars meet cars that are still being driven by humans?

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