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One of the world’s biggest challenges is slashing emissions before it’s too late. In fact, we’ve only got until 2050 in order to avoid some of the worst effects of climate change. And guess what? Asking people to ditch meat isn’t going to be enough.

Even a drastic reduction in the use of fossil fuels alone won’t stop the Earth from reaching a point of no return.

Solutions must come from every corner of the world, and cover every major industry and the power and process they use. And they need to come fast.

That’s why the energy transition is a race that can only be won by the most advanced technologies and engineers with unique minds for creative solutions. 

Otherwise, we risk getting caught in a loop of perpetual motion with respect to greenhouse gas emissions. 

The story of hydrogen has been a cautionary tale to this end.

The “greenest” hydrogen is now produced using electrolysis, a process powered by renewable energy. But it’s still too energy intensive and threatens to displace renewables from the grid, bringing us back to square one.

The dirtier processes use 100% natural gas to produce hydrogen.

North America needs more sustainable solutions–everywhere–and it’s running out of time. 

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