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Educating and Traveling in the Digital Metaverse

As the metaverse becomes increasingly popular, individuals, businesses and nations are beginning to explore the potential of this new digital realm. The influx of interest and resources in the metaverse raises important questions about whether society is...

What Offshore Wind Power Could Mean For California

The Pacific Ocean contains a potential windfall of clean, renewable energy. Last month, the federal government took a major step to harness that power. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management auctioned off five lease areas covering more than 373,000 acres in...

German Home Solar Power Firm Sees Bright Future as Demand Soars

Soaring demand for home solar power systems in Germany could boost revenues at Solarwatt by more than 50% this year to 500 million euros ($538 million) and lift them to 1 billion euros in 2025, its chief executive told Reuters. “Growth is strong and...