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With New Study, NASA Seeks the Science behind UFOs

On June 9, with only a few hours’ notice, NASA held a press conference to announce a study it was commissioning on unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs). The acronym is a rebranding of what are more popularly known as unidentified flying objects, or UFOs, a topic...

Three Ways Manufacturers Can Embrace Industry 4.0

Global supply chains are buckling under the strain of unprecedented demand and constricted logistics capacity. Added to skyrocketing inflationary forces, it’s no wonder that an increasing number of OEMs are embracing Industry 4.0 to bolster enterprise efficiency...

States with Most EVs on the Road

If you thought you were seeing more electric vehicles on the road today – it’s not your imagination. While not everyone is ready to ditch the gas station, the number of people making the switch from the gas pump to a charging station is growing.  But as...