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John Deere Industry 4.0 Push Goes 3D

US-based Vertex Software won a deal to deliver a 3D virtualisation system to John Deere, a move it claimed advanced the agricultural and heavy equipment manufacturer’s Industry 4.0 initiatives. Vertex stated its software will contribute to John Deere’s smart connected...

How AI is Changing Astronomy

When most people picture an astronomer, they think of a lone person sitting on top of a mountain, peering into a massive telescope. Of course, that image is out of date: Digital cameras have long since done away with the need to actually look though a...

Can Drones Do It All? A New Report Thinks So

Unmanned aircraft could access high-risk environments in place of piloted aircraft, potentially saving lives. The Congressional Research Service, a non-partisan think tank that prepares reports for the U.S. Congress, recently released a document describing...