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Radix Engineering’s latest project was helping develop PrevisIA, an Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool that predicts Amazon deforestation hotspots and prevent future losses. The project, developed for Imazon with Microsoft and the Vale Fund, uses AI and machine learning to spot trends in forest conversion from deforestation and burning. PrevisIA uses Microsoft Azure cloud to analyze satellite images (provided by the European Space Agency) and process data about the Amazon environment, such as legal and illegal roads, topography, land cover, and socioeconomic data. The result is that the most vulnerable areas of the biome can be identified, allowing intervention so that they are not destroyed.

Microsoft hired Radix for the project to add IT expertise to the technology initiatives already underway at Imazon. The project’s main objective was to achieve the required functionalities, processing capacity, security, and scalability of the platform using Microsoft solutions such as the Azure cloud environment, Artificial Intelligence, and Analytics in Web systems.

The infrastructure environment and software needed to help them using cutting-edge technologies were reviewed. Radix created customized panels (dashboards) that allow users of Imazon’s technological platform to visualize the information generated in an easy, intuitive, and interactive way.

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