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Two European companies are betting their futures on a so-far unexploited niche in robotic surgery—the literally tiny fields of microsurgery and supermicrosurgery.

One of these vendors, Calci, Italy-based Medical Microinstruments (MMI) SpA, has already launched its Symani surgical system commercially. The other, Eindhoven, Netherlands-based Microsure, expects to launch its MUSA robot some time in 2022. Both companies have received their CE Mark and significant interest from investors, including the European Union’s European Investment Bank.

Massimiliano Simi, co-founder and vice president of research and development at MMI, said the presence of Microsure’s competition helps convince him the market is primed for microsurgical robots. “I hope others come into the field,” Simi said. “That means others have tapped into the needs of the market. It’s clear that when you are alone or a visionary, you are fantastic or you are mad.

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