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“For more technology and data that one integrates into a software, in the end always experience and learning are the fundamental pillars. The important thing is to understand how to extract them intelligently ”. With that phrase, Álvaro Echeverría, co-founder and CEO of SimpliRoute, recalls the need that shaped the idea of creating an AI virtual assistant to optimize its logistics platform.

The startup is dedicated to optimizing routes for dispatch vehicles. The problem, according to Echeverría, was that despite the fact that logarithms and data science effectively optimize logistics a lot, “there are things that no default software can evaluate, such as whether a street is in poor condition, whether it is too narrow for a truck. or if it is unsafe at a certain time. This valuable information is held by the drivers ”.

This premise led us to think of intelligence as the core of the operation, capable of learning from the behavior of the drivers who use the platform.

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