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If you want to know where a technology is going, follow the patents. That’s what researchers from Stanford University and Brookings Institution recently did with artificial intelligence-related patents submitted to the US Patent and Trademark Office, and they have come up with an interesting read on the types of disruptions the technology will be having on jobs and companies.

By analyzing keywords in AI patents, the researchers identified where AI will be having its greatest impact in the years ahead, above and beyond the “big—and often vague—claims” made about AI. “The technology remains a fluid and emergent topic, with no single definition and relatively little real-world examples of adoption to learn from,” state Mark Muro, Jacob Whiton, and Robert Maxim, all with Brookings institution, who provide analysis on Stanford University Ph.D. candidate Michael Webb’s approach of “quantifying the overlap between the text of AI patents and the text of job descriptions” that provides a unique way “to identify the kinds of tasks and occupations likely to be affected by particular AI capabilities.”

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