Oct 10, 2019 | Business, Detroit, Electric Vehicles
Are electric vehicles good for the environment? I am slightly disturbed by how this topic has been politicized. I am not going to debate global warming here, but let’s at least agree that an excess of carbon dioxide (CO2) is unhealthy for you, me, and the environment....
Oct 10, 2019 | Healthcare, Robots & Drones
Sending a mouse through a maze can tell you a lot about how its little brain learns. But what if you could change the size and structure of its brain at will to study what makes different behaviors possible? That’s what Elan Barenholtz and William Hahn are proposing....
Oct 10, 2019 | Blockchain, Business, Featured
New startup Audius says its blockchain-based music streaming service is the solution that finally pays attention to indie artists’ needs. It’s also full of pirated material. Audius’ website says “music platforms were at their best when they listened to what...
Oct 10, 2019 | Business, Featured, Robots & Drones
According to a Wells Fargo research report, robots will eliminate 200,000 jobs in the banking industry within the next 10 years. These numbers seem astounding and mind-boggling. However, the robot overhaul has been in motion for some time. While others use the...
Oct 10, 2019 | Artificial Intelligence, Featured, Machine Learning
This is a big question. I believe that the application of new technologies from the fields of Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have the capability of transforming education but that there will be more hype than results in the short...
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