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Electric vehicle owners in some states are paying higher annual fees for driving zero-emissions cars than their gas-guzzling friends, according to new analysis by Consumer Reports.

Of the 26 states that impose fees on electric vehicles, 11 charge more for an EV than an owner of a traditional gas-powered car ends up paying in gasoline taxes every year. Three of those 11 states charge more than twice the amount.

Trends for the fees, generally paid through annual registration renewals, don’t look promising either. Another 12 states are considering their own EV fee proposals — seven of which would double over time.

“The trend over the last year has been to adopt more fees, there may be a backlash against that in the near future and I hope that there would be, but the trend right now seems to be adding fees,” said Shannon Baker-Branstetter, a Consumer Reports analyst who co-wrote the study.

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