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The Truth about Medical Device Cybersecurity

“Everything with a power point is probably connected, or will be shortly,” says Christopher Neal, chief information security officer (CISO) of Ramsay Health Care. “Increasingly that connectivity is critical to patient care,” he told the Gartner...

Yang Favors Blockchain Voting

Andrew Yang, one of the candidates for the 2020 presidential election in the U.S., wants to modernize voting via blockchain technology. Yang said it is “ridiculous” that in 2020, Americans are still standing in line “for hours” to cast a vote in booths, and...

Coal-powered EV?

If you drive an electric vehicle or you’ve been talking about getting one, chances are good that you’ve heard people say something like this: “Those EVs aren’t so green. They all run on electricity generated by burning coal!” That’s true if you happen to be charging...