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The expansion of remote work has removed geographic barriers between employers and talent, and offers both unprecedented opportunities for growth, mobility and connectivity. For employers, remote work offers access to previously untapped talent pools in places across the United States and the globe. It is also now more feasible than ever before for talented professionals to become digital nomads and work from destinations around the world. 

The introduction of remote work visa programs in over 20 countries worldwide offers exciting new opportunities for employees and employers alike; however, it also presents new employment, immigration and tax compliance challenges. That said, businesses that consider new mobility policies to incorporate remote work visas will be positioned to capitalize on the growing pool of talented individuals seeking to work remotely from across the globe. 

In 2022, the pandemic-era trend of remote work is now permanent for many professionals. A Gallup Poll conducted in September 2021 found that two-thirds of white-collar employees in the United States were working remotely to some extent. The same poll found that nine in ten remote workers surveyed wanted to maintain remote work in the future.

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